(click the album sleeve to visit the bandcamp site)

Looper’s Delight 2019 Compilation

After several years, we felt the need to do another compilation

Looper's Delight 12-12-12 Project
Looper’s Delight 12-12-12 Project

This album was produced by a collective of artists, wanting to mark the last consecutive day in our lifetimes – 12.12.12. So on this day or around this day we came up with a piece, a lot of them 12 minutes long, with the theme 12.
download the booklet (5 MB PDF)

Looper's Delight 11-11-11 Project
Looper’s Delight 11-11-11 Project

Rick Walker’s original project proposal on Looper’s Delight: “That everyone on this list who feels like it, sets up their live looping rig on November 11th 2011 at either 11:11 a.m. or 11:11 p.m. they commence to play and record a live looping piece of music that last exactly 11 minutes long. Put an alarm clock up in front of you while you play”

Looper's Delight Compilation Volume 3
Looper’s Delight Compilation Volume 3

Sunao Inami created the third compilation. It was released on the Japanese electr-ohm label (CAVE Studio/electr-ohm/C.U.E.), Artwork and Sound Mastering by Sunao Inami

Looper's Delight Subscriber's CD No. 1
Looper’s Delight Subscriber’s CD No. 1

This 15 track sampler was the first livelooping sampler CD. We have now rereleased it on Bandcamp because it was such a fine album and it would be a waste to forget about it.